Saturday, June 29, 2024

Game thread



BTR999 said...

Hey…where’s Soto?

Pocono Steve said...

Soto scratched from lineup.

BTR999 said...

Per YES, he injured his hand on that slide into home last night, will have an MRI.

Boone already preparing his postgame bullshit.

JM said...


BTR999 said...

Why a double steal with two outs.

Fucking fire boone

JM said...

Maybe Boone is trying to get fired. Wonder how much he'd get in unemployment?

JM said...

I really should finally get that 1919 Krazy Kat comic framed. Needs linen backing, I think.

JM said...

Shit. Home run by fat ass.

Pocono Steve said...

Zero run maximum today, so that's game. Possibly season.

Carl J. Weitz said...

The overturning of the safe call at third was bad. his toe/front foot
clearly beat the tag.

BTR999 said...

As usual, Cortes awful on the road.

JM said...

Boone always awful.

JM said...

Rice boiling today.

BTR999 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BTR999 said...

Thought Ver.would ground into a DP, but with 2 out a weak pop out just as effective

Doug K. said...

That could be the best play Gleyber has ever made. They should get on the phone now!

AboveAverage said...

True, Doug. I’m just thankful Gleyber didn’t have to throw the ball afterwards

AboveAverage said...

Boone is gunna get Tossed in Toronto

AboveAverage said...

Volpe now injured - Good Golly

AboveAverage said...

Ok - hopefully he is completely ok

JM said...

We got 1!!! Whoo.

JM said...

Where did this guy come from? Scranton shuttle?

JM said...

Another Gleyber moment.

AboveAverage said...









Hinkey Haines said...

Was befuddled after yesterday’s game & thought I was a fan of a competent & competitive team. Things are back to normal today, though.

AboveAverage said...

Pull my finger

JM said...

Remove Stanton, and we can still win, not necessarily a lot. Remove him and Soto, fuhgettaboutit.

JM said...

Just pitch around Judge and that's all it takes.

AboveAverage said...

And what if we remove Boone?

Carl J. Weitz said...

What a great coup Cashman pulled finding Bickford. Eject! Next!

JM said...

He outdid himself with the bullpen this year. A new level of incompetence.

TheWinWarblist said...

Did we win yet! We were losing when I put on reruns of Rick and Morty, but I'm sure we're winning now!

AboveAverage said...

Winny - maybe you should sit down….

AboveAverage said...

Doesn’t matter so Holmes started out well then recognized his X team mate and felt some pressure and melted down.

BTR999 said...

Another disgraceful, blow out loss, with all the usual suspects.

How long are we supposed to put up with this crap?

This team is no different than the last few seasons.

AboveAverage said...

The Yankees Lose!





BTR999 said...

When will someone be held responsible fir this shitshow?

DickAllen said...

Glad I missed that one. Might even miss tomorrow as well.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Lucky me.

Didn't realize the game was in the afternoon today.

BTR999 said...

The X-rays on Soto's hand came back clean, but due to swelling he is likely to sit Sunday .