Sunday, June 24, 2007

Exclusive: Yankee Panel Discussion

Today's topic: Is it wise to walk the first hitter you face?

KYLE FARNSWORTH, bullpen ace: It's my thing. It's me. I want that first guy on base, because it allows me to be who I am -- "Kyle with a K." The fans know me. It's my signature move. The whole house starts rockin,' and I'm up there on the mound, saying, "See my stuff!" That's why I'm so mad when they take me out. They can't see my stuff. I gotta be me.

BOB BRUNEY, righty fireballer: If he's a good hitter, I throw at his head. If he's no good, I put him on base. Sometimes, I like to give up a double.

MICHAEL MYERS, lefty specialist: Do we really have a choice? Do we control our fates? Realize that everything has already happened. Basically, we're playing out a reality that has already occurred. When I come in, that first batter has already walked, and I have already been shelled, and that's cool. I mean, what does it matter? Really.

SCOTT PROCTOR, innings eater: It sets up my pickoff. Coach wants me to work on my pickoff.

JOHN STERLING, announcer: For my money, it's a bad idea. I tell Suzyn, it's a bad idea to walk that leadoff man. Throw strikes. Especially with a five-run lead. But, hey, what do I know? If pitching was easy, everybody would throw a perfect game, every single time. It's not easy. That's why baseball is such a great game.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your article about walking the first guy. It was well reasoned, factual, and on point.

    However, it is not representative or worthy of your Yankee knowledge. I think we all are learning that the theory ( and the question ) should not revolve around the issue of walking the first guy you ( our pitchers ) face but, rather, walking the last guy.

    Our bullpen, currently, seems focused on walking the last guy. It has proven particularly effective on the road.

    Maybe you'd like to do a sequel to your story.



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