Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ronan Tynan Can Suck Andy Phillips

Until we read returning Yankee Andy Phillips' Wikipedia entry, we had no idea he was so musical:
• He once sang the Star-Spangled Banner before a Staten Island Yankees game when the scheduled singer could not show up... He is also said to have the "best singing voice in baseball." ... He also sang the National Anthem at the University of Alabama vs. Mississippi State University football game in 2006.

• His at-bat song is Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

• His wife, Bethany, is a contemporary Christian music artist.

• His at-bat song while playing for the University of Alabama was the theme to The Andy Griffith Show.


  1. thank god we got rid of josh phelps

  2. yeah, he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

  3. Andy better start singing and start praying, then, because he still can't hit a lick. This could be his last call-up.

    - Alphonso


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