Thursday, June 28, 2007

Shea It Ain't So

Andy makes faces at Melky and takes out full-page ads against Proctor.

Rocket throws high hard ones at the kids crossing his lawn, then mistakenly mails his son's graduation check to the power company.

Damon and Abreu watch sad movies, eat raw cookie dough and do each other's hair.

Who can you turn to when the ship is sinking?

Why, a big ol' tube of clubhouse glue!

1 comment:

  1. If we give up a prospect for Shea Hillebrand, it better not be a prospect who can pitch. Or even a pitcher who can't pitch but is, nevertheless, a prospect.

    We can give up, Giambi, for example and lose nothing. We could give up Will Nieves or Mike Myers and probably improve by substraction.

    And if Money is the object, how about Clemens for Shea? Clemens is not a prospect.

    - Alphonso


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