Sunday, June 17, 2007


It's time for YES, the only TV network that consistantly reports the Truth, to air a show similar to the Fox News hit, Hannity & Colmes.

We need MATTINGLY & CAN, featuring all-time great Don Mattingly and colorful former Red Sox hurler, Oil Can Boyd.

This way, Yankee and Red Sox fans can debate the issues of the day from their own unique perspectives. Example:

MATTINGLY: Tonight's topic: how overpaid is Dice-K? The Red Sox shelled out $50 million for merely the opportunity to sit down at the negotiating table. Add another $50m for the contract, and you've got the first $100 million pitcher with no major league resume. Oil, from the Boston perspective, what do you think?

OIL CAN: It is truly shameful what the Red Sox did. I would love to say otherwise, but morally I just can't.


  1. Refreshing to hear views unfiltered by the MSM. To helpus sift through the many issues facing the Yankees today -- Schilling's ketchup sock and Manny's pee breaks in the Monster are just two -- please think about keeping Mattingly & Can as a regular feature on your blog.

  2. If Manny ever gets lost in a desert without a hat and without any water, he will be well-advised to pee on his tee shirt and wrap it around his head like a Bedouin.

    Some say, he has done this at Fenway.

    - Alphonso


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