Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mattingly & Can

Time for another installment of our baseball knockoff of Fox News' popular "Hannity & Colmes."

"Mattingly & Can"
Tonights topic: Steroids

DONNIE BASEBALL: Can, It's a sad day when Jason Giambi gets probed about steroids, but nobody out there is probing Curt "Ketchup" Schilling about what he knows. Here's a guy who paints his socks during the post-season, who rants all night on his blog, who's bigger than a boat, and who told Congress he never saw evidence of steroids in his entire baseball career. Who is he kdding? Why aren't they calling him in? All they have to do is wave a cheeseburger! He'll come running. Lord knows, he's got the Heinz!

CAN: Donnie, I'd disagree, but I can't. You're right. Once again, you're freakin' absolutely right.

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