Saturday, July 21, 2007

Proctor Suks So Much Balls: Edwar's MySpace Page

Edwar at MySpace [Link]

1 comment:

  1. Edwar reached his prarie league team assignment in southern Mexico at 3:30 am yesterday , after traveling by Greyhound for 71 straight hours.

    Eating cheeseburgers, fries and drinking a strawberry shake at each stop, he has added 66 pounds, and now resembles a more famous lefty out of Mexico, who toiled for the LA Dodgers under the name of Fernando.

    In any case, Edwar has now switched to tacos, burritos and cheese enchiladas, washed down with 20 ounce cup-fulls of local beer.

    He pitched both ends of a double header on the day of his arrival, losing the first 6-0 and the second 19 -0.

    And while he walked 18, he commented that his change-up
    was " berry , berry goood to him."

    Come back and see us soon, Edwar.


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