Monday, August 20, 2007

Another Dinger for Jesus Montero


The future Yankee slugger-savior hit home run number 3 today in the Single A Gulf Coast League for Teen Millionaires.
He is the youngest current player in the Yankees organization.
He is the largest player on the Gulf Coast Yankees.
His ETA: 2012.
Change your ways. Jesus is coming.


  1. They said the same thing about Jesus Melian.

    OK , so he was called, " Jackson."

    Now, he is a fish monger on the gold coast.

    Johnny Cash wrote a song about him, called, " I'm goin' to Jesus.....look out Jesus town."

    How come there is no reference to baseball in the Bible?

    - Tammy Faye Baker ( checking in from you know where ).

  2. No matter what you say, Jesus Montero loves you.


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