Monday, September 10, 2007

Cries From Alphonso

1. "I can now feel it," when Arod is going deep. It happened every time during the KC series.

2. Farnsworth still scares me. If I can keep it that way, maybe he'll stay on this track.

3. I don't think any of us are going to see the Attorney General get his first ML hit. I don't think he is going to get one.

4. The Giants' season( football ) is in the toilet ( sorry Senator, get in line ). I think Ernie Accorsi should have a meeting with him to straighten things out.

5. Maybe the old yin-yang thing will work for us. Giants 0-16; Yankees 16-0.

6. Ominous that Derek has a knee.

7. Why aren't they bringing up " what's his name?" They brought up every other pitcher from Scranton/Trenton.

8. I feel comfort when Doug M enters for defense at FB (sorry Andy got hurt, though).

9. When will Matsui start hitting again?

10. When will Gumbi be a threat?

11. I hate playing on that weird turf in Toronto.

12. What a lineup of pitchers for Toronto; Hughes, Moose and Ian. Do we have to face Doc Holiday?

13. Get ready for the biggest public relations twist/group of untruths on record, when the good old White House declares the surge a complete success.

It's like saying the Giants will win the NFC East and the Superbowl.


  1. 1. If you can feel A-Rod's homers, great. It must be painful when Sean Henn pitches.

    2 Farnsworth scares everybody, including Farnsworth.

    3.We'll soon know him as "A-Gon."

    4. If you want to root for the Giants, watch the San Diego Chargers play and imagine a world where Ernie Acoursi was aborted before birth.

    5. Trouble is, the Gints won't go 0-16. If they did, we'd get a new coach and turn it around. They'll go 8-8, keep Coughlin, and the Yankees won't get a karmac bounce.

    6. True. To us, he's all heart.

    7. Very true. I don't know why Joe is bothering to try something the whole organization decided against: playing Giambi at first.

    8,9. Hideki & Gumbi are a crapshot. When not hitting, they are DPs waiting to happen.

    10-11. Hate the turf. Hate Toronto. Hate all their pitchers. We should hit somebody for what they did to Arod last time.

    12. Maybe Tom Coughlin should take over Iraq. Petraeus couldn't do worse with the Giants.

  2. 11. I hate playing on that weird turf in Toronto.

    Agreed. Almost as much as I hate listening to Suzyn and John bitch about the press accommodations at the Rogers Centre.

  3. But I do hate those press accomodations. Worst coffee in all of Major League Baseball. The worst!


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