Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Derek Has Sexiest Walk? No Way, Say Sabermetricians

Last week Baseball Digest released results of a very sexy scientific study claiming that Derek Jeter has the sexiest walk in the world. The Yankee captain's 25-inch waist and 36-inch hips, said the study, produced the sexiest strut, ranking him higher than David Wright, Angelina Jolie and even historical hottie Joe DiMaggio.

But according to Professor Richard Weber of Baseball Prospectus, who worked on the mathematical equation, Derek wasn't the winner. Weber was commissioned to determine the sexiest swagger by Clarion Communications, a PR firm that reps the Derek Jeter Driven line of fragrances. He says the reported results are bogus -- Alex Rodriguez is actually the sexiest strutter.

Adds scientist Ben Goldacre, writer for The Hardball Times, Clarion already had a winner in mind when it commissioned the study. Goldacre was told by a Clarion rep that in order to highlight the product, they wanted "Derek to come out on top followed by other celebrities with curvy legs such as J-Lo and David Ortiz, and celebrities like Edwar Ramirez and Amy Winehouse to be at the bottom -- e.g., skinny and pale unshapely legs are not as sexy."

1 comment:

  1. I like the Giambino's waddle. But that's just me, I guess. I like the wide type.


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