Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Interview with Jesus Montero, future Yankee Messiah/DH

We caught up with 17-year-old superprospect Jesus Montero following his outstanding playoff performance (2 HR in three games) in the Gulf Coast League...

IT IS HIGH: Jeez, thanks for cometh-ing. Three homers in the regular season, then you blessed two more in the playoffs. You turned it up a notch, eh?
JESUS: No one lights thy lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead, he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.

IT IS HIGH: Absolutely! And you made them pitch to you. You're not afraid to take the base on balls, right?
JESUS: Ye walk by faith, not by sight.

IT IS HIGH: You betcha. So, you're feeling good?
JESUS: Love others as well as ye love thyself.

IT IS HIGH: Amen, bro. We're looking forward to your long Yankee career.
JESUS: I am with ye always, until the end of time.


  1. When he makes it to Yankee Stadium, he'd better not try driving the money changers out.

  2. Alphonso said,

    When he comes to New York, I want to take him to Scores and introduce him to virgin Mary.


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