Sunday, September 2, 2007


1. We will not turn the corner. Every time we get hot, we cool off and negate our gains.

2. The main malady of the last five years remains: Too many stars, not enough role players.

3. No lead is safe.

4. Without a quality start, we get clobbered.

5. We are not winning 10-9 games anymore. Instead, we are getting demoralized, swinging at bad pitches, and losing 9-1.

5. We are a good team. We are not a hungry team. We lose to hungry teams.

7. We have no ace.

8. We are mystified by pitchers we have not seen. They rise to the challenge, and we sink below our regular abilities.

9. Management, having created the above problems, cannot solve them.

No, not describing the Bush administration. We're talking about the Yankees.


  1. How's Wang not an ace with 16 wins, tied for most?

    Cash's doing a great job re-building from within; the state of the Yankees should be fine next year. Not so much this year.

    Other than that, you're right on all other counts.

  2. Trouble with the Yankees is, we're not allowed to have rebuilding years. Circumstances are giving us one, but we need, like, three.

  3. And yes, you're right about everything.

  4. 10. We won't turn the corner, but the Mariners won't either. Which just might doom us to another first-round loss

  5. 11. One of the reasons we won't turn the corner is because Phil Hughes has already turned the corner on the quality of his stuff.

    Unfortunately, the corner he turned is to an address called 4.2 innings; 98 pitches; 6 runs; 5 hits ( 3 HRs); 4 walks; ERA 7+.

    In his last 3 outings, his ERA is closer to 9.0.

    And this is our top prospect?

    This is the best pitching prospect in baseball?

    Better than the Boston rookie who just threw a no hitter?

    Better than Kei Igawa?

    Don't you just know that every time he is out there, we have to score 12 runs or give up?

    The most disappointing big name prospect since Drew Hensen?

    He must need arm surgery.

    Maybe in the Mexican league.

    - Alphonso


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