Sunday, September 30, 2007

YANKEEXCLUSIVE: Roger's Pitching Strategy Against Cleveland (Ohio) Indians

From the Rocket's own diary...
Sizemore: "... dangerous hitter... must throw inside... may need to throw at head..."
Cabrera: "... beware... must be moved off plate... throw at upper shoulders, neck, jawline..."
Hafner: "... first pitch at head... second pitch, ear..."
Martinez: "... needs to 'learn'... seek crack of skull.. "
Garko: "... should explode like watermelon..."
Lofton: "... below earflap of helmet... throat exposed... so pieces of medulla oblongatta land in on-deck circle..."
Blake: "... see notes on Mike Piazza..."
Gutierrez: "... stay outside... if looking comfortable, must die... "

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