Thursday, October 4, 2007

Excerpts from "Waiting for Becket"

VLADIMIR: Well, what now?

ESCOBAR: We wait.

VLADIMIR: For what?

ESCOBAR: For a rally. For a mistake. Or for another day.

VLADIMIR: But there is nothing. We’ve waited all night. My bat is tired. Should I not swing for that distant horizon?

ESCOBAR: From a tree branch, perhaps we all shall swing.

VLADIMIR: I hate Fenway.

ESCOBAR: It is not Yahweh.

VLADIMIR: It is not our way. But look yonder, here comes a white sphere! What should we do?

ESCOBAR: We wait.

VLADIMIR: For what?

1 comment:

  1. I think that we shall never see a sun so beautiful as a run.

    - Godot ( watching the Angels wait for something )


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