Monday, October 1, 2007

Message from Alphonso

I don't want to jynx the Yankees, so I have been silent. I guess we get a " free period " between now and first playoff game, so jynx's won't apply.

1. Will anyone want to " Meet the Mets " now? We all know that their collapse, while painful , record breaking and lingering, does not compare with you know what.

2. Will George Bush be throwing out the first ball in Cleveland? Is Cleveland a blue city or a red city? Will your President make a sympathy call to Paul Loduca? to Willie? Will he go to Sylvia's with Bill O'Reilly?

3. I see Brian Bruney is shocked that he didn't make the playoff roster. Doesn't he know that coming in to walk the first two batters you face, every time he pitches, is neither an ingratiating factor nor a confidence builder?

4. Is Mariano going to be OK? Those last couple of outings looked a lot more like Billy Wagner than Mo Rivera.

5. Glad to see that Chase Wright got a win. Now he has something to tell his grand kids. How come he gets a win pitching 2 innings? I still wonder why Sean Henn isn't better. All he needs is to visualize a home plate that is about 6 feet wide.

6. Sorry that Ross ( Russ ?) Olendorf didn't make playoff roster. He could have helped Moose with the Saturday New York Times puzzle.

7. Did Edwar make it to the post season, or am I taking him back to Mexico for the post baseball season fiestas ? I no longer have any confidence in him, by the way. None.

8. And now that I know Vargas ( Veras? Varity? ) is old , I no longer care that Mr. Torre " likes his stuff." His "stuff," mostly, consists of fastballs that miss the plate.

9. We have plenty of pitchers who seem destined to blow up on us in playoffs. I think if Joba can pitch 3 innings a game for 15 straight games, we have a shot. Anyone here not worried about Luis Vizcaino in the playoffs?

10. So they did something medical to Hideki. Can he now run, throw and hit? Is he still called " Godzilla " anywhere? Personally, I want Damon in left.

11. Will Jesus be with the big team next year? He is supposed to be able to do anything, right?

12. The little league liar, somethingorother Almonte has enrolled in Junior College, after failing with independent baseball league "Illinois Lightbulbs " or some such. Maybe he'll have a future in mathematics.

13. Doug M may be our first round playoff MVP.

14. I am worried about Ian Kennedy.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I don't kwow what you're referring to. Is this part of some practical joke you pranksters are running on me, suggesting that something happened in 2004?

    2. Let me put it this way, if Cleveland wins, we can expect four more years of George W. Bush.

    3. Bruney deserves more support from fans, considering that he is blind and dying of gout.

    4. The last outing, Mo looked more like Mike Mussina than Billy Wagner.

    5-6. Chase Wright, Sean Henn and Ross Ohlendorf are about to get the biggest checks of their lives: World Series Winners Shares.

    7-10: Right now, Joba Chamberlain is our bullpen. There is nothing else. When the starter tires, give him the ball and let him throw to the end. There is no other option.

    10-14: Godzilla is Giambi on a Japanese diet. Doug M is our best hitter. Jesus is 2 years away as a DH, 10 away as a catcher. Ian Kennedy is getting married; definitely, we should all be worried about him.


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