Thursday, November 8, 2007

Goodbye Boonie

NYTimes today:

"The Yankees have no interest in the free agent Aaron Boone."
A certain poet, long ago, named Don:*
"We all got up to dance,
"Oh, but we never got the chance!
"`cause the players tried to take the field;
"The marching band refused to yield.
"Do you recall what was revealed
"The day the music died?"
*Later remixed by a certain poetess named Madonna.


  1. This is what happens.

    The last Yankee who materially hurt the Redsocks is not welcome back.

    This comes less than a month after the Yankee who drove in our last World Series winning run was not even considered for the manager job.

    Message to Joba & Hughes: keep doing what you're doing, because this is what happens to you when you win for the Yankees.

  2. Meanwhile, Johnny Damon is treated like a king.

  3. Maybe they can get Yogi to catch if they don't re-sign Posada.

    So sad to see you guys living in the past.


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