Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jesus H. Montero is Hot in Venezuela

Hugo Chavez better nationalize the popcorn industry quick, because Yankee $2 million megasuperprospect Jesus H. Montero is ruling the winter in Venezuela.

The guy turns 18 on Nov. 28.

Check this out!

Playing for the Magallanes of the Liga Paralela in Venezuela, Jesus is hitting .396 with 5 home runs in 15 games, with an OPS of 1.176. His catching appears to be improving, as he threw out 4 of 6 baserunners attempting to steal last night.


1 comment:

  1. By the time Jorge is 40, Jesus will be 2040 and ready for prime time.

    But that means four more years of "one and done" in the playoffs.

    BY the way, why dothe Yankees feel that Mariano will sit still for Jorge getting 4 years while he only gets three?

    Are they nuts?

    -Mother Mary


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