Sunday, November 11, 2007

Signature Home Run Call: Eli Manning

"Here's the pitch. Hit hard. Home run. Great. I bet that guy is really proud of himself. I wonder if he has a brother. I bet his brother just feels great. Yeah, just great. Can I go home now?"

1 comment:

  1. I want to make a life-sized effigy of Ernie Accorsi ( including the comb-over ) and then have a ceremony where we dunk it in corn oil, take it out onto the ice at the end of a pole, burn it and slam it with baseball
    bats ( aluminum ones that are no longer allowed in HS....they won't catch fire ).

    As we predicted, the dumbest "trade up " draft move in the history of football ( rivalled only by the swindle pulled off by the Dallas team against the Vikings , and involving Herschel ) has proven a failure.

    We said it at the time. We said it each year since. We are saying it now.

    The Giants would be competitive if we had drafted Big Ben, and used all those other picks on defensive players.

    Now we are going to be making excuses again for the rest of the season, until we lose in round 1 of the wild card. Then, we'll get the 21st pick in the 2008 draft, and select a wide-receiver.

    And start over. Again. And do nothing. Again.

    - Anonymous lousy Giants' player


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