Saturday, November 3, 2007

Yanks Not Affected by Crisis In Pakistan

Am I right? That's the one international market we haven't tried to corner?

A shout to Stubby. Way to go.

1 comment:

  1. THe Yankees are not yet affected by Pakistan, that's true.

    But streets full of protesting lawyers sounds a little like the Yankees.

    Suspending the constitution sounds a little like Washington.

    Beating up defensless people with canes sounds a little like Red Sox' fans.

    Having Condi Rice hold our foreign policy in her hands sounds a little like Gronk Steinbrenner holding Cashman's strategy of protecting and developing our young players in his hands.

    We are not that far away from nuclear ( how does george pronounce that? ) conflagration.

    - Chief Crazy Alphonso


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