Dear Mary:
Just wanted to shoot you a quick email from the hotel room.
This is the best Winter Meeting I've been to!
More vacation than work, really.
The new Boss is being sooo nice -- he said something about him being busy with "Yankee stuff" and not wanting me to be bored, etc., so he gave me, like, 20 bucks to "hit the arcade with."
What he doesn't know is they have free video games at Kidz Space -- so I'm going to see how far that Andrew Jackson gets me at Jack Daniel's Saloon! Sucker!
I turned on the TV last night and saw something about Johan Santana on SportsCenter, but I didn't pay much attention, is he OK? I hope he didn't get caught up in that Chavez stuff in Venezuela.
Anyway, I gotta run -- meeting some of the guys for a game of Guitar Hero III at Kidz Space.
Miss you,
If they've got a Wii at KidzSpace, you may not see Cash the whole week.