Thursday, December 27, 2007

Top 10 Yankee Firstbasemen of 2007

1. Doug Mientkiewicz
2. Andy Philips
3. Jason Giambi
4. Shelley Duncan
5. Wilson Betemit
6. Jorge Posada
7. Josh Phelps
8. Miguel Cairo
9. Chris Basak
10. Johnny Damon


  1. Basak never played first.

  2. He played 1B in Babe Ruth League, and he was there to play it for us, if necessary, during his three-week Yankee era.

  3. Doesn't count. He didn't take the field for the Yankees as a first baseman.

  4. Babe Ruth League? You can't be serious.

  5. OK, should I put Wil Nieves up there? He played 1B for one inning. BUT BASAK WOULD BE A BETTER FIRSTBASEMAN THAN NIEVES.

    Pure and simple, Basak was the Second Coming of Clay Bellinger. Unfortunately, we never got to see enough of his talent to appreciate him.

    Hm. Maybe we should have given the 10th spot to Clay Bellinger. Would you have complained then?

  6. I used to play first for the Yankees, too.


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