Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Write this down: The season is over

It's official. Columnist Bob Klapsich has spoken:

By allowing Santana to wriggle free, the Yankees have doomed themselves to second-tier status in the East.


For the first time in years, we show some spine and stick to our guns, and we have to answer to clowns like this.

1 comment:

  1. There is only one reporter who we can trust.

    One man who tells it like it is.

    Does the research. Goes on site. Gets validation.

    One stalwart who knew we never should trade for Santana.

    A man with a pen in one hand and a Lacrosse stick in the other.

    Thanks for steering us right on this one.

    I may be able to get off my medication now.

    As long as trade talks with Oakland don't heat up.


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