Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Redsock Nation Stunned by Cooperstown Snub

Boston fans register disbelief, anger, sadness, fury, over news...

Sportswriters today rejected Jacoby Ellsbury to the Hall.

Why has God chosen these people to suffer so much?


  1. They'll get back to huffing Carbona momentarily. Don't worry!

    They are ruff tuff creme puffs!

    Go sux!

  2. There is no God. Only Goose.


    P.S. I'm back down in the desert of southern Mexico, looking for Enwar.

    Rumor has it that he has put on about 112 pounds and is further refining his one pitch change-up.

    Supposedly, Clay Bellinger has been his "hitting against" coach, and Clay can't touch the new pitch.

    I was told by a local barmaid that the duo don't have a catcher or a home plate exactly. They use Clay's 1972 hatch-back bus as the backstop, and a dried up cactus arm for home plate.

    But where the hell are they?

    I am hot, thirsty and a tad dusty.

    Looking forward to Legends Field in the the Spring.


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