Sunday, March 23, 2008

Get Well, E5

That's the famous line by Oscar Gamble, who said as the team bus pulled into Cleveland, said, "Look, they named a street after Nettles." He pointed to a sign that said "E5."

Graig Nettles has cancer, the worst news we've heard about him since someone said, Graig Nettles has been traded.
Wasn't it yesterday that he was snatching the Series from the Dodgers, or breaking Spaceman Lee's collarbone, or cutting himself on the lawn mower and missing a Pavanoesque 30 days?
Today, he's in our thoughts.
So here are a few of his great one-liners.
"When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a baseball player and join the circus. With the Yankees I have accomplished both."
(ON THE BOSS) "The more we lose, the more Steinbrenner will fly in. And the more he flies, the better the chance there will be for a plane crash."
(ON SPARKY LYLE) "In one year, Sparky Lyle went from Cy Young to sayonara."
"The best thing about being a Yankee is getting to watch Reggie Jackson play every day. The worst thing about being a Yankee? Getting to watch Reggie Jackson play every day."
Bill James once argued that Nettles was the greatest position player in Major League history whose name starts with the letter "N."
Unless Wil Nieves starts ramping it up, he's probably still there.
Get well, Puff.

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