Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer, Spitzer, Spitzer

At last we're all sick of a story besides the primaries. To prove it to yourself the media has achieved true Eliot Spitzer saturation, take this quiz:

1. What is the "unsafe" practice Spitzer allegedly asked a prostitute to engage in?

(a) sexual acts without a condom
(b) email via governor's mansion computer
(c) sky-diving

2. Who is George Fox?

(a) Eliot Spitzer's pseudonym for purposes of illicit liaisons
(b) former Spitzer campaign contributor
(c) the angriest man alive
(d) all of the above

3. What outcome would New York voters have preferred?

(a) to find out Spitzer was running the prostitution ring in an administrative capacity
(b) to find out Spitzer was guilty of bribery
(c) to find out Spitzer was guilty of bribery and graft
(d) to find out Spitzer was guilty of bribery, graft, and income tax evasion
(e) any of these -- just get this picture of Spitzer in silk boxers out of my head

4. Eliot Spitzer's wife of 21 years stood by him when he announced his resignation because:

(a) she vowed to stand by her man…until they get to the car
(b) if she don't show up, it would look as if it was her fault somehow
(c) she now knows what happens whenever you turn your back on him

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