Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why Are You Here?

You should be at the comic book store buying two copies of THE FLASH, written by a member of this blog. Me. If you must know.


  1. Superfrankenstein,

    Couldn't you try to work a Yankee reference into this?

    Such as:

    "Flashback: Flash Gordon, Yank Reliever"

    Hey, you should "Flash" to the market to hit a "Melky" two-bagger and see if the Yanks keep Brett Gardner, the speed-demon.

  2. I bought one and suggest that everyone else on earth buy one, too.

    This is serious business. No jokes.

  3. I hear it's a fast read.

    Like Homer Bush.

  4. When does the Ironman movie come out? I was all about Ironman when I was a kid.


    Oh, and Gordon Flash. Love that, too.

    Um, I mean, Flash Gordon!

  5. I know a parish priest in Queens who has outfits like this for all his favorite altar boys.


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