Friday, March 7, 2008

Yankees Fans, Branch Out and Find a New Nemesis

Yesterday there was a meeting to determine the future of the International Whaling Commission.

Japan is looking for a few good countries to join them in support of their increasingly lonely pro-whaling position, and they have threatened to leave the IWC.

In case griping about the Red Sox becomes tiring, maybe it's time for Yankees fans to jump on the anti-whale bandwagon:

Moby Dick may have been provoked, but he was a leg-munching murderer. Ask anyone onboard the Pequod -- except for Ishmael, if that's even his real name -- what they think of whales and they'll tell you: Whales are bastards.

If you allow whaling to continue, it is much more likely people trapped inside them will be rescued. Jonah and Pinocchio will thank you.

Whales cost taxpayers millions of dollars when they irresponsibly beach themselves on the world's coastlines. Let's do it to them before they do it to us.

1 comment:


    Whales are not bastards.

    Whales are fucking bastards.


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