Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Memo to Staff from Marketing Department

To: Staff writers
From: Wailin' Suzyn, VP for Marketing
Re: Your writing

I'm reading today's sappy posts (see below) and they make me wanna puke.

It's like reading scripts for "Little House on the Praire" or "The Waltons" or "Full House" for cryin' out loud.

What's with this sappy niceness all of a sudden? What this blog needs is a little passion, a little fire, a little zest!

Pick it up or we'll find writers who eat concrete for breakfast, shit cinder blocks for lunch, and for supper, well, a light salad with a white wine is nice ... BUT DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT BECOMING A VEGETARIAN OR VEGAN OR ANY OF THAT CRAPOLA.


  1. I could see the sap oozing off my monitor and dropping on to my keyboard when I read those posts. And guess what? It's ruined now. I think SOME PEOPLE should be buying me a new keyboard.


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