Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Day the Critics Cried

NEWSDAY: "... indescribably awful..."

JOURNAL NEWS: "... embarrassingly bad..."

KING: "... the world's largest commode..."

BONDY: "... horrorific..."

DICKENS: "... the worst of times..."

MELVILLE: "... the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down..."

BURROUGHS: "... any visitor from outer space would say 'I want to see the manager.'"

GINSBERG: "... destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked..."

ALPHONSO: "... a mix of raw human excrement and gorilla semen..."

IIH, IIF, IIc: "... how do you get this thong off? Damn, I need to sit in a bucket of icewater..."

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