Sunday, May 18, 2008

This Year/Last Year: Deja Effing Vu All Over Again?

May 18, 2007 Headline: YANKS' BATS SILENT IN METS LOSS



May 18, 2007: "... sending the Bombers reeling to their sixth loss in eight games... 10 games behind pace in the American League East."

Today: "The Yankees lost for the seventh time in 10 games, remaining in last place in the American League East."


May 18, 2007: Pettitte on loss to Mets: "It's going to be a rough night."

Today: Pettitte, on loss to Mets: "It's not going to sit well."


May 18, 2007: Giambi, on slump: "We just can't seem to get over the hump, as far as getting that big run to break us through."

Today: Giambi, on slump: "When you're not producing, it's human nature to want to go and change things."


May 18, 2007: "Clemens impressive in first start
Veteran looks sharp over four innings in Class A outing"

Today: A-Rod homers in extended spring training game.


May 18, 2007: "Once the final out was recorded and Clemens sauntered off the field, he waved his hand to the adoring fans, who gave him a standing ovation, and tipped his cap in appreciation."

Today: Hello? Roger? This is Inside Edition...

MORAL OF THE POST: Cheer up, everybody. We'll pull it together, make the playoffs heroically and then suffer another disgraceful humiliation!

1 comment:

  1. Duque,

    So, so,so,so TRUE!!!!

    This team is simply awful. A-Rod is lucky to be injured; he wasn't perforing either ( was hitting about .146 with runners in scoring position ) and he would have taken 90% of blame.

    Still will.


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