Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fun Facts about Last Night's Game!

In the first inning, Derek Jeter hit his into team-leading 10th doubleplay of the season!
Later, Jason Giambi notched his Major League-leading 13th hit-by-pitch!
Bobby Abreu, our man batting third, is a big 5 for his last 41!
Over his last four starts, Darrel Rasner has achieved an ERA of 7.00!
Yank pitchers hurled two big scoreless innings!
Pirate starter Tom Gorzelanny threw more balls than strikes!
Over six innings, the Gorz walked five, hit a guy and gave up six hits -- and we tallied three runs!
In the third, the Gorze walked Rasner and Melky Cabrera on eight pitches, loading the bases with no outs for our big three hitters. Jeet hit a comebacker, and Bobby whacked a doubleplay!
For Friday's doubleheader against the Mets, the Yanks will start the famed pitching duo of Giese & Ponson! (Of the famed rhyme: "Giese, Ponson and a day to groan!")

1 comment:

  1. If Matsui had been able to play, he would have hit into that double play.


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