Saturday, June 28, 2008

Inspirational Messages From Shaun Chicon & Sidney

I am making a final plea.  It has two parts:

1.  Find and sign Shaun Chacon.  Sidney has already said he would vouch for the man.  OK.  Maybe it was Derek.

2.  Do not elect Joba as Player of the Month for IIH,IIF,IIc.  Remember the "Curse?"  Look at what our captain ( Mr. Duque ) has earlier laid out for us in that regard.

  There is still time to change your votes.  Act today!  Do not neglect this duty.


  1. Your blog rules. Very entertaining.

  2. I do remember the Curse.
    So, would somebody please tell me why I can't give my vote to the Red Sox?

  3. Fer kricesakes, man, use your head:

    We're saving that for October!

  4. With the Yankees hitting like this, you'd better make sure Red Sox is the Player of the Month for the rest of the season.


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