If you haven't visited Peter Abraham's LoHud Yankees blog, go there and bookmark the site. It might be the most informative Yankee blog out there. Seriously.
There's one issue, though. Pete's stuff goes through an editor before it gets in his newspaper, but the items he posts to his blog don't. Since some of us here at IIH, IIF, IIc edit for a living, we'll volunteer our services.
Recently, Pete posted this:
"We’ve made fun of Curt Schilling plenty of times on his blog. The self-aggrandizing loudmouth usually had it coming. But nobody should welcome the news that he needs shoulder surgery that could end his career. Love him or hate him (and, yes, you hate him), he’s never been afraid to say what he thinks and that’s a rare quality in baseball. Plus he really is a charitable guy who has done a lot for people. If this is it, good luck to Schilling. Now admit it. It was ketchup, right?"
Not bad, but needs a little tightening:
"We’ve made fun of Curt Schilling plenty of times on his blog. The is a self-aggrandizing loudmouth. usually had it coming. But nobody should welcome the news that he needs shoulder surgery that could end his career. Love him or hate him (and, yes, you hate him), he’s never been afraid to say what he thinks and that’s a rare quality in baseball. Plus he really is a charitable guy who has done a lot for people. If this is it, good luck to Schilling. Now admit it. It was ketchup. , right?"
There. Much better.
Nice job!
ReplyDeleteI think you should do this on everyone's copy.
Except the very long-winded Alphonso, whose ramblings represent most of his content.
Agreed re: the above, and Beckett blowing last night's ARI/BOS game was so fantastic...so enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteAnd plenty of people should wish for shoulder surgery to end his career. Couldn't have happened to a bigger jerk.