Monday, July 28, 2008

It's My Fault, Not Sidney's !

I cannot watch Yankee/Red sox games live from Fenway.

The Boston fans make me sick. The red sox make me sick.

Everytime I watch, we not only lose, but we re-energize the Red sox if they have been foundering. We get them healthy if they have been hurt. We raise the game of Jacoby and that kid named "Detritus " ( or something similar ), who plays second base.

The first two games, I honored my past and did not watch. We won them both.

So, last night, I figured, " what's to lose?" We've already won the series. Maybe we really are back. Maybe Sidney is not the boozing, disrespectful loser we all thought he was.

First pitch is rocked to center for a single. By the time the recently recovered Manny followed the recently recovered Big Pappy's single to right with a double to the gap, I knew the game was over. We were only down one, but it was obvious the good karma was finished.

I turned it off right then and there.
It was, by then, too late.
I won't make this mistake again. Blame this one on me. Not on Sidney. He is bad enough already.

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