OK, I hate to pee on this raging campfire of a good time. And it's always great fun, merciliessly drilling a team in front of the home town homeys.
And let's face it, there's nothing worse than ruining a good 11-3 lead by having a Yankee fail to deliver in the clutch -- and make it 13-3, 14-3, or even 19-3.
But we are not going to coax a record, 8.00-second Win Warble.
This is not the kind of victory that conjures a memorable Sterling Hurling.
Not trying to be a pill here. Just telling the truth.
Indeed, it was very short. So short it almost sounded like the opposing team won. Seriously, Jon, can't you muster up a little more pep for a win, albeit a lackluster one, at the end of the game? At least fake it a little!