Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rookie Flashes Again for Yanks


The Yankee broadcasters keep telling us "how much the Yankees like Brett Gardener's at bats."

Let's take a look:

1. Last night Brettt was victimized three times by the umpire tradition of
" squeezing " rookie batters for strikes ( "you've got to swing the bat, son." ).

2. It marked the 4th, 5th and 6th times the young speedster has gone down looking, in his 20 something plate appearances.

3. In his second at bat of the evening, after leading off with a "K, looking, " Brett nailed a 22 foot single.

4. One of his earlier singles ( see Boston game ) did reach the outfield grass, largely due to the added momentum provided by a ricochet off the Red Sox SS's glove.

5. His first major league single actually went over the second baseman's head, and rolled to a dead stop about 25 yards in front of the charging right fielder. This clever positioning ( similar to a defensive, blocking shot in the game of billiards) , caused the outfielder to stop his charge, bring his momentum to zero, twist his awkward frame, bend and pickup the ball in five separate motions, allowing a Yankee runner to score from second.

The good news is that Brett and Robbie Cano may finally be on the same tragectory. All Brett needs are three 4 for5 games in a row, and he'll be right up there pushing through the "Mendoza" line.

Don't forget, he was close to a .300 hitter at Dunder Miflen.

But why am I feeling the ghost of Hensley Muelens.

The Yankees get all the stars.


  1. Alph,

    You're wrong.

    Gardner is the best thing that has happened to the Yankees since this blog came on line.

  2. Duque,

    I am doing everything I can to light a fire under this potential all star.

  3. Alph,

    I knew that.

    And it's important that this guy hears voices like yours.

    You may be the only chance this fellow has.

  4. When I was at the Shrine yesterday, I wanted so frickin' bad for Gardner to do something.

    I think this kid's going to be a good player for us, but here's one piece of advice for him. When there are two strikes, especially late in a close game, swing the damn bat.


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