Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Three In a Row

Last night, for the third straight game, and for about the 30th time this season, the Yankees lost a game in the first inning.

This team just cannot come back from giving up an early run, or two, or four.

Darrell Rasner, in my recollection, has never emerged from a first inning of a start without being in trouble, expending about 28 pitches and ( usually ) giving up a run or two.

If the Yankees don't get that run back in their half of the inning ( almost never ), the game is over. This team huffs and puffs, but has no heart for coming back.

I am now beginning to look at this as a positive thing, for Yankee fans and their families.

For one thing, you can turn off the game and do something else.

OK. Maybe they'll put on a dramatic show ( like their furious rally last night in the 9th ) but, when they turn out the lights, they will come up short. So you can stay glued to the tube or radio for 3.5 hours and wind up throwing something, or you can get a breath of fresh air, spend some depreciating dollars and have a pint at a local establishment.

It seems that this newly re-built team is now back-sliding to their pre-all star break mediocrity.;

Nady went down looking with the tying runs on base (Brett Gardner could do that). The new lefty helped the Orioles stain a pretty decent, if hugely laborious and pain-staking, pitching effort from Rasner for yet another loss. He is on pace to be 3-20, even though he pretty much gives us 6 innings and 2-3 runs.

So, tonight, it is Joba. We have a 50-50 shot of winning if he throws another shut-out. I just hope Joe doesn't go to Mariano if it is 0-0 in the top of the ninth.

I can make the 7:15pm movie tonight if the Yanks give up a run to the Mighty O's in the first inning.

What a year.


  1. The game starts in about 20 minutes so hopefully you'd be able to make that 7:15 movie anyways.

  2. Glad to know I am on top of things.

  3. I turned on Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along blog last night after the Orioles began their drive.

    The bonus was that I didn't have to sit through that abortive rally, too, so it all worked out for the best!


  4. Oh stop whining! Do you think they want to lose? You not think of them as nice young men who desperately want to amuse you. For money.

  5. Hey cowgirl......

    Thanks for everything.

    It's great to meet another Yankee fan.


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