Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Today's quiz: Recapping the Redsock series

1. The overriding impression left with Yankees fans after the series was:
A. We took 2 of 3 in their park; we're officially back in the race;
B. Thanks to ManRam, the Redsocks are ready to implode;
C. Joba Chamberlain could be the ace of the staff down the stretch;
D. Have a nice flight back to Aruba, Sidney.

2. There are runners in scoring position. The MVP, Alex Rodriguez, strides to the plate. The Redsocks:
A. Have the infielders guard the line to prevent an extra-base hit;
B. Bring in a fresh right-handed reliever to get the best matchup;
C. Walk him if first base is open;
D. Breathe a sigh of relief.

3. Manny Ramirez is:
A. A cancer in Redsock locker room;
B. Afraid to face Joba;
C. A whining, spoiled brat;
D. The Yankees' 2009 DH.

4. The Yankees added Xavier Nady and Damaso Marte via trade. But Brian Cashman is trying to bring in one more new player to round out the roster for the stretch run. That player is:
A. Jarrod Washburn;
B. A.J. Burnett;
C. Barry Bonds;
D. Brett Favre.

1 comment:

  1. 1. E: More Yankee fans are making it to Fenway. Special thanks to the fan with the Manny sign reading "Manny! Thanks for being Manny!".

    2. D. Hands down!

    3. E: 2009 Right Fielder for the NY Mets. (Miniya is that smart)

    4. D. So long as John Madden joins John Miller and Joe Morgan on ESPN's baseball broadcasts.


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