Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yankee Sickening Defeat Number 44 Quiz

1. The Yanks couldn't hit AJ Burnett today even though...
a) He was pitching on three days rest.
b) Going into the game, his ERA was over 5.00.
c) He was calling out pitches before throwing them.
d) He threw with his left-hand.

2. Jorge Posada...
a) Hit into another double play.
b) Gave up two stolen bases, including one to Kevin Mench.
c) Left three runners on base.
d) Can really use a three-day rest.

3. The last four batters in the order -- Robby Cano, Melky Cabrera, Wilson Betemit and Brett Gardner...
a) Didn't get any hits.
b) Left four runners on base.
c) Contributed two strike outs and a double play grounder.
d) Has nobody hitting higher than .246.

4. Jason Giambi's home run...
a) Came with nobody on and one out in the ninth.
b) Didn't matter one stinking bit.
c) Might have mattered if hit in the sixth, when there were two men on.
d) Was his 13th (out of 19) hit with the bases empty.

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