Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Hope: Let Arod Make the Final Out

Yeah. That would be fitting.

Let's hope somebody gets a base hit, so Arod can come to bat and hear the love.

This is absolutely making me sick.

You know, I have tried. Seriously. I have tried not to hate the bastard. Really. But fuck this. I can't stand it. I CAN'T STAND IT.

If I could invent a time machine, I would go back to that period when the Redsocks had him, but the union wouldn't let him take a paycut, so the deal was scrapped. I would change it. I would leave a trail of bodies. I would do what had to be done.

Now, it's too late.


  1. Yeah, but if there's only one guy on base and two outs, with us four runs down, he'll get a meaningless hit - maybe even a dinger.

    If it was just a one-run game, it's be K-looking or a weak popup.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Two outs, one on ...




  4. You were right ...

    God, that game was painful to watch

  5. That was the first time in all the times I've seen him booed that the booing began as he came up to the plate. When I saw that, the realization settled in that none of the remaining 31 games will matter. Ballgame over, season over, Boston wins.

    I bet A-Rod doesn't get cheered for the rest of the season. What will really be surreal is the next time he homers this year at the stadium, only to be booed as he's rounding the bases (assuming he's going to hit another homer this year at the stadium...).


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