Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Last Game at Yankee Stadium Probably Won't Even Matter

Six weeks, and we're done with these bozos.

Last night, they were milling around like livestock in a feeder pen, resigned to the one fate this world seeks to impose.

We'd end it now, but for one last event: The closing of Yankee Stadium.

(Of course, we're not dead yet. There is still hope. If Tom Coughlin taught us anything, it's not to count out people.)

But for now, let's ponder that last game.

Andy Pettitte will start. Why can we be so sure? Easy. Girardi will make it happen, because we won't be in the race. The honor will be Andy's. It will probably be his last game ever.

The fans will chant his name. This will be very emotional. They will also chant for Jason Giambi and Bobby Abreu, (less for Abreu) as it will be their last games as Yanks.

Joba will be on the DL. As soon as we're eliminated, they will shut him down.

Johnny Damon will play center. In the eighth, Austin Jackson will come in, granting Johnny a curtain call.

Same for Jeter and ARod. They'll come out in the late innings. Big roar for Jeter in perhaps his last game at shortstop. Arod will hear booing. It might be loud. Animosity is brewing toward Arod. More and more, his big numbers loom against him in the debate over clutch hitting.

The final innings will give us Shelley Duncan, Cody Ransom, Brett Gardner, Chad Moeller, et al. Girardi will reward them for toiling in Scranton all year. He's been a bit player. He'll want to get them in the game.

George will make an appearance on the sidelines. They'll give him an ovation. The old-timers who come will get the loudest cheers. The politicos will get the boos.

Ahead or behind, Mariano will pitch the ninth. The fans will chant his name. The other team will send up rookies. He'll strike them out. It will be our last hurrah.


  1. The only way the Yanks can be in the playoff is to make MLB change the rules:
    The team with more players on the DL wins.

  2. That's really depressing actually.


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