Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pete Abe Quote of the Day

Another one out of the park:
"The worst road trip since the Joad family went to California"


  1. That Pete Abe is pretty funny when he stops eating Big Macs long enough to sit down in front of his laptop.

    Which is no doubt covered in grease from chicken wings, cheeseburgers and nacho cheese.

  2. Ross:


  3. "Which is no doubt covered in grease from chicken wings, cheeseburgers and nacho cheese."

    You forgot Vaseline.

    Fatty Abraham's laptop probably sees more action on a nightly basis than a Mexican whorehouse.

    The Shamus

  4. Tubby only brought that up because of Bruce Springstein's album. He possesses some serious man love for the boss.

  5. Ross, we seem to be on the same page,lol. I got to check out your blog.

    The Shamus

  6. That's a great idea.

    Get a room, you two.

  7. yea, except I don't post behind the veil of anonymity!

  8. I sign my name after every post...

    The Shamus

    The annonymous thing is b/c I don't have a website like all the other literary geniuses out there.

    I leave the Nobel prize writing to y'all.

    The Shamus


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