Sunday, August 17, 2008

Selling "Puts " on Yankee Future: a Recovery Plan for the Average Yankee Fan

The Yankee's super field and scouting combine has struck again.

While a half dozen baseball GM's took a collective breath at the mid-night deadline, barely signing their top picks to major league contracts and greatly surpassing the MLB "slot" figures on bonuses, the Yankees signed lefty pitcher Jeremy Blech ( not, I repeat, not a descriptive term for his potential...but his real name).  

Can't you just see the future headline, " Blech Sucks as Royals score 9 in first inning off  top rookie..." )?

In any case, Brian Cashman ( whom this reporter almost ran into at a fancy restaurant in East Hampton while the Yankees were being undressed by the Angels ) called this signing, " a leg up after our disappointment with our top pick who had earlier ( as in the 8th grade ) decided to attend UCLA."

So Brian was pleased over both his pecan encrusted salmon and his mid-night signing of the 44th pick, just before cognac was served and the deadline elapsed.

An unnamed Yankee source ( also at dinner, but at another table ) told me, " Blech will likely need elbow surgery, which is probably why the Yanks were able to sign this re-hab patient-to-be for only $700,000.

I guess it worked with Humberto Sanchez and Andy Brachman, so why break the string?

Now I believe the El Duque story is true; the Yankees do seek out pitchers, during the annual drafts, who have already blown out their arms in high school.  This is part of their financial commitment to keep signing bonus payrolls to a low threshold.

We should start doing this with position players as well.  We could, for example,  have secured Eric Duncan for about $100 if he had only torn the ACL on both knees during his last game at Seton Hall.

Sell "puts" on the Yankees for the next 5 years and get rich.  This is a no-brainer.


  1. I'm taking my Series 7 tomorrow. I've been studying all day and I decide to take a break and check the old IIH blog. I just can't get away from puts and calls...

    I wonder if I should short REITs on the new stadium...

  2. Good Luck,

    Your friends from Plant X, Series 8.

    I'd short Reits if I were you. Alphonso, you agree?

  3. I would short everything American, right now. with the Yankees headed for a 5-10 year dunking, how can America expect tp prosper?


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