Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Three Reasons Why A-Rod Appears to be Mailing It In

The Yankees completed their 14-5 win ( was that the score ?) against the KC Royals about 4:00pm on Sunday afternoon.

A-Rod showered and left as soon as Cody Ransom went in the game. He had a quicky date on the way back to his apartment in the Trump Building, and immediately left by private jet for Florida.

In Florida, he had one date on Sunday night, and another yesterday ( Yanks' day off ). This last one made today's page 6 in the Daily News.

About noon today, he'll fly by private jet to Toronto ( joining his teammates for tonight's game )in anticipation of striking out or hitting into a double play with the basis loaded, and the Yankees needing a run. A bit worn out, are we, Alex?

Is it any wonder he'll never be on a championship team? And the Yankees have him for at least 10 more seasons.

I mean, we'd all like the "perks " available to him, but most of us actually have to earn the money we make to acquire any perks at all.

Not sure about El Duque on that one, but you know what I'm saying.


  1. That's actually 6 reasons.

  2. So YOU'RE the guy who reads page 6 and takes it as fact.

    I knew there was a guy somewhere.

    This is like the time George Steinbrenner said that Jeter partied too much. That sure cost the team.

    A-Rod bashers will go at great lengths to disparage one of the great baseball players of all-time.

  3. Score was 15-6.

    But of course, you shouldn't be expected to be able to view a quick website just to check: http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/news/wrap.jsp?ymd=20080817&content_id=3323717&vkey=wrapup2005&fext=.jsp&team=home&c_id=nyy

  4. Guys, guys.

    We all cut Alphonso a little slack beginning the moment the small bus drops him off every day.


  5. BTW - that slacker A-Rod showed up early for an optional workout today:

    The Yankees, as they often do after a day off, are having an early optional workout.

    In attendance: Johnny Damon, Alex Rodriguez, Brett Gardner, Cody Ransom, Andy Pettitte (who is taking grounders at shortstop), Derek Jeter, Robinson Cano, Jose Veras, Edwar Ramirez, Dave Robertson and Wilson Betemit.


    That jerk!


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