Sunday, August 24, 2008

Three Wins in a Row, and We'll Have Done Seven of Nine

OK, look, I know we're beating this to death. But we've won three in a row, the mojo is working, and we gotta do our part.

Just be thankful we didn't fix on Mini-Me. That would hurt.


  1. I think you might be "beating this to death" (so to speak).

  2. Time to stop beating... something, Ducky.

  3. Whitey,

    You never change underwear during a winning streak.

    I would have thought you knew that.

  4. Duckman;

    I am pleased that a rural person such as yourself is aware that changing underwear is a good idea.

    This is an excellent start. We can work out the frequency at a later date.

    Keep up the good work!


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