Friday, August 15, 2008

Who should replace Mike's Mad Dog?

At last, the suits at WFAN radio can understand what it's like to lose Chien-Ming Wang in a pennant race.

Chris Russo, alias the Mad Dog, abruptly left the show he's co-hosted with Mike Francesa since the days when George H.W. Bush was barfing sushi at the Japanese.

Says Smiley Sandomir at the Times:

Russo’s divorce from the station came in the early evening, leading WFAN to swiftly name Francesa the sole host of the popular afternoon drive-time show, starting immediately. For now, it will be called “Francesa on the FAN.”

Francesa on the Fan? That's almost as sexy as Stubby Steinbrenner in fishnet stockings.

Nope. Fran the Man needs a co-pilot. How about...

Mike and the Matlock

Mike and the Lapdog

Mike and the Hot Dog

Mike and the Brad Dog

Mike and the Cad Dog

Mike and the Mattress Back Dog

Mike and the Mad Dog

Mike and the Rabid Dog

Aww, hell... he needs somebody who'll never leave.

Mike and the Good Dog


  1. Sports talk shows are circle-jerks anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

    Maybe one of our erudite anonymous posters...

  2. Well, we have 12 people on our roster here at IIH IIF IIc, so ...

    We can work out some sort or rotation system. We'll each put in a week every 3 months or so.

    We're awaiting your call, WFAN.

    (That is assuming, of course, that the job isn't given to Pete Abe)

  3. Include me out. I don't want to speak to people from Jersey every day.


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