Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Having Served His Sentence, Cano Vows: "No More Text-Messaging at Secondbase"

NEW YORK _ A repentant Robinson Cano vowed Wednesday to never again text-message friends or family while playing in the field at Yankee Stadium, prompting manager Joe Girardi to tearfully forgive the embattled superstar and announce that, "Now he can go back to being great."

Cano, currently batting .259, endured 24 long, painful hours in Giardi's "penalty box" after he failed to chase after a ball, as it rolled by him. He later explained that he was listening to music out on the field, and he did not want to break the vibe.

In the following inning, Girardi removed the slugging Yankee great, presumably so they could swap songs on their iPods. The famous disciplinarian manager later defended his scrappy player, saying, "Robbie pointed to the ball and yelled for Abreu to take it. A lot of times, a prima dona player who is dogging it won't even bother to do that. This is something we're building on. By this time next year, who knows, maybe he'll bend down and point. We're excited at the progress."

In other news, the Yankees lost.

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