Tuesday, September 2, 2008

John's Labor Day Win-Warble, More a Wimp-Wobble, Summarizes '08 Yanks

It wasn't pretty when the Yanks beat Detroit Monday 13-9, and John Sterling barely achieved victory climax with a meager...
4.30-Second Win Warble.

Sorry. It's too painful. Do not listen to this.

LEAVE THIS SITE NOW... and do not subject yourself or loved ones to the sound of a decent man in a personal hell he had no hand in creating.

Ohhhhh, all right. You can listen.

But now that you've touched the pain button, how about reliving the longest, greatest gush this year on the Yankee Radio Network, Driven by Jeep.


  1. According to Francesa, he mailed the entire game in. Apparently he didn't even look for the ball on Sheffield's home run. Suzyn had to silently point to him that it was gone.

  2. "Don't worry, nobody is listening anyway."


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