Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Political Scientists Discussing Imminent Elimination of Yankees from Playoffs in Bid to Beat Mathematicians to the Punch

New York, NY--IIH, IIF, IIc has learned that a group of political scientists are poised to eliminate the Yankees from the playoffs before that event is a mathematical certainty.

Inspired by the "race to be first" by states in the lead-up to the 2008 presidential primaries, and emboldened by the Florida recount-fever that gripped the nation eight years ago, the political scientists also cite shrinking departmental budgets and a more photogenic stable of professors than the average mathematician for the move.

A spokesperson said "there is no reason why the sportscasters can't say 'the Yankees are eliminated as a matter of political science' instead of just trotting out 'mathematically eliminated' for the millionth time."

"I mean, c'mon. They sure look done," the spokesperson said. "And math is boring."

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