Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Whore Me Out At The Ballgame"

In honor of the 100th anniversary of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and the 85th and final year of Yankee Stadium.

Casey Kelly had quite the job,
Quite the envy of every slob.
This businessman was a slip'ry eel,
Cutting deals, greasing wheels.
He knew fuck-all of the national game,
But of this he was not ashamed.
When he saw poor saps lined up at the park
Trying to buy tickets, he'd bark,

"Whore me out at the skybox,
My firm takes care of the tab.
Clients just flew in from Washington.
We need to get plastered to get the deal done.
Oh, we'll write this off on our taxes,
Champagne, sirloin and fresh lox.
We might




Of the game
From our sweet skybox!"

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